
Oxford Reading Tree Stage 8 Stories (4 titles+CD)
原價:HK$364.00 優惠價:HK$327.60

Oxford Reading Tree(ORT)是由一組兒童語文教育專家,經過二十多年研究的結晶,由享負盛名的英國牛津大學出版社出版。整個閱讀計劃共分16個階段(Stages),循序漸進,由學齡前的沒字書到中學程度,包括韻文、故事,小說、傳記、常識等不同體裁。孩子閱讀Oxford Reading Tree,像爬樹一樣拾級而上,學習到大量地道的生字、文法和英國文化,建立起學習英語的信心,享受到閱讀的樂趣。故事的插圖細緻、幽默,不但提高讀者的閱讀興趣,更有助培育讀者的觀察力和理解文意。適讀年齡視兒童的英語能力而定,所列謹供參巧。


Trunk Stories 「樹幹」(階段 1至9) 是整個閱讀計劃的核心,均由小男孩Kipper 、其家人、愛犬Floppy和同學貫穿起來,兒童讀來培增親切感。階段1至4為生活故事,在階段5,Kipper 得到一條魔術鑰匙,故事便從始進入多姿多彩的幻想世界。


(幼稚園stage 1-3,小學stage 3-9)



Stage 8 Storybooks (4 titles)

Exciting stories to build reading comprehension and enjoyment.

A mixture of Magic key fantasy adventures and stories with familiar settings build on vocabulary and reading skills learnt at Stages 6 and 7. These stages follow Biff, Chip, Kipper, Floppy and friends on a new adventures and experiences.

OUP has retired some Biff, Chip and Kipper and Decode and Develop titles in March 2022, including The Flying Carpet and The Kidnappers of Level 8. However please enjoy listening to the stories still listed in the CD included in this new version of ORT Level 8 Storybook Pack of 4.



讀者愛追看發生在Biff Chip Kipper Floppy和其朋友身上的魔幻歷奇故事;透過多讀,建立閱讀理解能力和字彙量。